Patient name:
Date of birth:
Patient's phone:
Preferred contact name and number (if other than patient):
Reason for referral:
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)Hemodialysis access creation/maintenance (AVF)Carotid Artery DiseaseAortic AneurysmDeep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)Venous InsufficiencyOther
Referred by:
Physician's name (please print):
Referral date:
Date of office visit:
Questions? Contact client services at 346-541-6421 7501 Fannin St. Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77054
Hyperbaric oxygen therapyChronic woundsNon healing woundsGangrene of foot or legInfection of foot or ankleFoot or ankle painOther
7501 Fannin St., Suite 600Houston, TX 77054
Patient phone number:
Referring physician:
Physician phone number:
Wound details
Diabetic YesNo
Drainage NoneLightModerateHeavy
Additional information
Interested in becoming part of our growing referral network? Please schedule a personalized visit with our business development team. Fill this form out to join the growing network of limb preservation specialists.
Appointment request form:
Preferred date:
How did you hear about us?
Physician referralWebsiteFriend / FamilyOther
I. Patient information:
Home address:
Marital status:
Home phone:
Emergency Contact:
**By providing an email you agree to receive updates, news, and general information from Hope Vascular & Podiatry. We respect your right to privacy and will not share your information.
II. Insurance information:
(Primary) please complete if other than self (Secondary)
Insurance Co.:
Name of guarantor:
Insured's DOB:
Employer (if group policy):
III. Payment of Benefits:
I direct payment to Hope Vascular & Podiatry of the Surgical and / or Medical Benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for their services as described, but not to exceed the reasonable and customary charges for those services.
Signed (Insured Person):
IV. Release of information:
I hereby authorize Hope Vascular & Podiatry to release any information acquired during the course of my examination or treatment
Signed (Patient):
Past Medical History
Patient Name:
Date of Birth:
Please indicate if you have had any of the following by marking the corresponding check box:
Cardiovascular Heart DiseaseStrokeMyocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)High Blood PressureHigh CholesterolChest DiscomfortAnginaPalpitationsArrhythmia (skipped heart beats)Fluttering feeling in chestAtrial Fibrillation (rapid heart rate)Congestive Heart FailureCoronary Artery Disease (heart disease)Swelling in ankles or feet
Respiratory AsthmaCOPDShortness of BreathSleep Apnea Neurological Neurological DiseaseEpilepsyChronic HeadachesNumbness and TinglingAlzheimer’s / DementiaMultiple SclerosisMemory Loss
Ear, Nose and Throat Ear, nose, throat problemsEye DiseaseHearing ImpairedAllergies
Psychiatric AnxietyDepression
Endocrine DiabetesThyroid DiseaseAutoimmune DisorderKidney Disease
Other AnemiaBleeding DisorderBlood TransfusionThoracic/Abdominal Aneurysm
Musculoskeletal ArthritisOsteoporosisChronic Back PainJoint PainMuscle Weakness
Vascular DVTVenous InsufficiencyPeripheral Artery Disease
Infectious Disease HIVHepatitisC-diff
Cancer Cancer (specify type below) Cancer Treatment (specify below)
Past Surgical History
Cardiac Surgery Heart BypassHeart StentsPacemakerCardioversionMitral Valve ReplacementOther Cardiac Surgery:
*Woman Only HysterectomyLumpectomy / Mastectomy
Musculoskeletal Surgery Orthopedic SurgeryBack SurgeryShoulder SurgeryFoot SurgeryKnee Surgery
Vascular Carotid SurgeryAneurysm SurgeryAngioplasty/StentsAmputationVein AblationOther Vascular Surgery:
Genitourinary Surgery Genitourinary SurgeryRenal SurgeryProstate SurgeryVasectomy
Gastrointestinal Surgery Gastrointestinal SurgeryUlcer SurgeryAppendectomyColectomyCholecystectomyHernia Surgery
Other Surgeries
Family History Select Family Member
Diabetes MGPGMFS
Heart Disease MGPGMFS
Hereditary Spherocytosis MGPGMFS
Hypertension MGPGMFS
Kidney Disease MGPGMFS
Lung Disease MGPGMFS
Mental Illness MGPGMFS
Thyroid Problems MGPGMFS
Seizures MGPGMFS
Tuberculosis MGPGMFS
Non-Contributory MGPGMFS
Social History Select one
Alcohol Use DailyWeeklyOccasional
Tobacco Use YesNo
Caffeine Use YesNo
Substance Abuse
Illicit Drug Use
Home Health Agency
Review of Symptoms
Please indicate whether you have experienced any of the following...
General FeverChillsSweatsAnorexiaFatigueMalaiseWeight loss
Gastrointestinal IndigestionNauseaVomitingDiarrheaConstipationAbdominal painUlcersBlood in stool
Psychological DepressionAnxietyMemory lossUnusual stressMental disturbance
ENT Blurred visionDouble visionVision lossCataractsEar ringingDiminished hearingSore throat
Genitourinary Loss of bladderBlood in urineBurning when urinatingUrinary frequency
Endocrine Cold intoleranceHeat intoleranceExcessive thirstExcessive hunger
Cardiovascular Chest discomfortChest painsPalpitationsSkipped heartbeatSwelling in ankles or feetFluttering feeling in chest
Musculoskeletal ArthritisBack painJoint painMuscle weakness
Hematology/Lymphatic Breast mass/lumpEnlarged lymph nodesUnexplained bruising
Respiratory Shortness of breathChronic coughAsthmaWheezing
Skin Skin rashItchingDrynessLesionSuspicious lesionsUlcer
Allergy/Immunologic Hay feverDust/pollen allergiesPersistent infections
Extremities EdemaOpen ulcersGangreneDiscolored or blue skin
Neurological Memory lossSeizuresVertigoWeaknessNumbness/tinglingStroke
Infectious Disease: Exposed to or been recently diagnosed with… (circle one)
C-diff (Clostridium difficile) YESNO
Hepatitis YESNO
If you circled YES for any of the above, please explain:
Medication / Allergy History
Pharmacy :
Are you currently taking Aspirin? YesNo
Please list all MEDICATIONS you take routinely (including current and previous chemotherapy):
Name of Medication
Dosage (mg)
How many times daily
Medication Allergies:
Other Allergies:
HOPE Vascular and Podiatry
Consent Form
I hereby authorize, Dr Brian D. Lepow and/or Dr. Miguel F. Montero, and Anner Jimenez, NP to perform upon the named patient the following wound care and/or other treatment: Debride wound, removal of dead tissue, x-ray, labs/drawing blood, respiratory treatment and tests and the use of growth factors or other advanced technologies, as applicable. Dr Brian D. Lepow and/or Dr. Miguel F. Montero, and Anner Jimenez, NP has fully explained to me the expected benefits and complications (from known and unknown causes), attendant discomforts and risks that may arise, as well as possible alternatives to the proposed treatment and the anticipated results if the treatment is not performed. The treatment may include application of wound healing growth factors to improve healing. I have been given an opportunity to ask questions and all of my questions have been answered fully and satisfactorily.
Any specimens/tissues removed may be examined and retained by the testing laboratory and its authorized affiliate for medical, scientific or educational purposes and such specimens/tissues or parts may be disposed of in accordance with accustomed practice.
I acknowledge that no guarantees or assurances have been made to me considering the results intended from the wound care and/or other treatment.
I hereby consent that photographs, tape recordings, videotape and/or movies may be taken of the patient named in connection with the medical and/or other services the patient is receiving. I further consent that a history of my/the patient’s social and medical problems may be taken by HOPE Clinical Innovation Center. Videotapes are used for educational purposes only. Recorded video tapes are not part of my medical record. Such photographs, tape recordings, videotapes, videos and/or histories may be published, shown, exhibited or otherwise used by the provider and its authorized affiliate may deem proper. I understand that neither myself/the patient nor members of my/the patient’s family will be identified by name in connection with any use of this material.
I consent to the use of the information obtained during the course of my wound care treatment and stored in the HOPE Clinical Innovation Center’s database for the purpose of conducting research, and quality management activities. I understand that my identity will not be protected in any displays of this information at any time. I further agree that there are no restrictions placed on you or anyone related to the for the use of this information in the manner described above.
I request that payment to authorized Medicare benefits be made either to me or on my behalf for services furnished to me by the provider. I authorize any holder of medical information about me to be released to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and its agents any information needed to determine these benefits or the benefits payable to related services. I understand that I am responsible for any amount not covered by insurance.
I agree to allow HOPE Clinical Innovation Clinic to send me automated text messages to the number I have provided for appointment reminders and discharge instructions.
Patient/Agent Signature:
Witness Signature: